
What's Your Signature Slow Cooker Dish?

A fun quiz for all of you foodies out there!

Ever found yourself at a big family dinner, beside yourself because you don't have a signature dish? Aunt Margie is known for her sweet potatoes. Sister-in-Law Esther has her world-famous cocktail weenie recipe that everyone can't wait to dive into. With this fun quiz, you'll be able to claim a namesake to bring to the next party. 

Not all signature dishes are created equal, but with the right honing of skills and devotion to your new slow cooker trademark, in time, you'll be known right alongside Margie and Esther. Using the chart below, find the answer to "What's Your Signature Slow Cooker Dish?" Once you've given a name to next party's favorite potluck dish, it's time to answer your calling by assembling your ingredients and manifesting this dish into reality. 

Steal the show at the next gathering. We're counting on you. 

What's Your Signature Slow Cooker Dish?

Take our fun quiz below to find out the slow cooker dish that's been buried deep within your soul. You've known of its existence all along, but with this quiz, which has been assembled using ancient wisdom and one-too-many astrological charts, you'll be able to unlock the secret to your notoriety at the next family potluck. 

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What did you get? Tell us about it in the comments!


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